John Hanigan
Only 200 days remaining to help John Hanigan reach his fundraising goal
$3,115.00 raised
$2,100.00 goal
This year I decided I wanted to run my first marathon in my home town of Chicago for a charity. When I was researching charities to run for I came across Mercy House Hero’s, a charity that made a name for itself by helping kids from neglected and abusive households. They provide therapy and healing for kids who’ve experienced trauma and adversity, including abuse, neglect, housing instability, community violence and more. And with some help , they’re able to provide these children with the tools they need to build long-term stability and success. Tools like a good education, career exploration, work experience, life skills, strong relationships, and so much more. Mercy even helps entire families heal and thrive together. There is no child that doesn’t deserve just to be a kid, and Mercy sets up the next generation on the right path to success while letting the kids be kids again . Mercy House is a great program for so many children who are dealing with a tough upbringing . Please help in raising money in there honor to expand these services to the many families in need. Click on the link below if you'd like to donate. No amount is to small and feel free to share the link for even more help! Would love for you all to join Myself, and Mercy House Hero’s on the road to 26.2 for the Chicago Marathon on October 7th. With tremendous gratitude. - John Hanigan
  • Tim Zorek made a $50.00 donation

    Good luck. I will be looking for you as you run past Adams and Morgan.

  • Gabe Bolivar made a $150.00 donation

    Good luck Buddy!!!

  • Debra Ayala made a $100.00 donation

    So proud of your dedication!!! Be smart, have FUN and make it to the finish line safely!!! Hugs

  • Trisha Iverson made a $300.00 donation
  • Robaire Galliath made a $100.00 donation
  • Clayton Lieberman made a $500.00 donation

    Run fast

  • Patrick J Roche Jr made a $25.00 donation

    John, Good luck in the Chi-town marathon. Keep hydrating baby. Pat & Jan Roche

  • Therese Hanigan made a $500.00 donation

    Mercy Home is one of our favorite charities! Good luck training and on race day! Dan/Therese

  • Brooke Darcy made a $100.00 donation
  • Tom Hanigan made a $100.00 donation

    Go crush this thing, beast!

  • Sean kennedy made a $50.00 donation

    I’m so proud of you. I love you.

  • Jim McErlean made a $120.00 donation

    Go get it, Hani!

  • Greg & Todd Morin made a $200.00 donation

    My dad couldn't figure out how to make an online donation, so he gave me $100 to donate to you. Good luck, buddy!

  • John Hanigan made a $200.00 donation

    Run buddy run! Don't forget to drink water. Should I sign Anthony up to run with you?

  • Carol Klocek made a $200.00 donation

    John I love you and your drive to give help to the young children that deserve guidance. I will pray that your run is safe, comfortable and a triumphant finish. 🏃 Grandma and PaPa support you!

  • Nick Langdon made a $10.00 donation
  • Sean Botterman made a $100.00 donation

    Run, John, Run!

  • Jacqueline Hughes made a $10.00 donation
  • Diane Yee made a $50.00 donation

    Go John! we'll be rooting for you💕

  • Cheryl Hanigan made a $250.00 donation

    Proud of you, John! Always strive to be your best self & rise up to new challenges! Love, Mom & Dad

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